it's not too late to pivot

sometimes i think we genuinely believe that it’s too late to rewrite our stories. to make big changes, to alter the course that we’re on, and to pivot. but it’s not.

today i stopped and looked at the state of our house. It’s been a construction zone for three straight years now, but I’m not complaining. taking my time to make it our own has been so special, and little by little it’s coming together. ⁣

what makes it even more impactful and exciting is that we’ve been able to pay for everything— from paying the mortgage off in full to the new front porch, the kitchen reno, the pool (and everything in between) with cash.

that sounds surreal to even say that out loud. how different things were for us years ago.

when I think about my big reason for sharing life with you all, posting stuff like this is to 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 brag or boast. ever. it’s because maybe you’re where I was 12 years ago, filing bankruptcy, taking out a second mortgage on a home, “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” and accepting five dollars from a co-worker to get food for your son because payday was too far away. ⁣

I’ve been there.

And I want you to see not where we are now, but also where we came from.

the work that went into it was consistent and hard and not without many struggles and failures, but it’s what’s on the other side that counts. options are endless when you chip away at debt, work really hard, open your eyes to the power of multiple streams of income and focus not on today, but what what financial freedom will provide for you in the future. ⁣

Trust me when I say that you can rewrite, pivot, and change your mind at any time. it’s never too late. I’m living proof of that.❤️⁣

in this vein, if you’re interested in hearing me chat a bit more about my story, and how we got debt free, check out these IGTV videos I filmed for you:


the most common assumptions about me


refreshing dry winter hair 101