your perception of failure

“The only way to combat failure is to see it as an opportunity to improve your direction.”

— Todd Duncan

Todd Duncan recently blew my mind during a training session I had with him. ⁣

Isn’t it crazy that you can hear something the same way from the same people over and over again, but then one day, someone else says it, and suddenly it clicks.

he said “the healthier your perception of failure, the faster you’ll succeed.”⁣

ho 👏🏼 ly 👏🏼 shit. YES.

At the end of the day, your mindset matters. I say that every day. it’s a cliché because it’s true. success is inevitable without failure, they go hand and hand. and if you’re scared of failure or allow your fear of it to drive your course of action, you’ll never succeed.⁣

I’m running. running towards success while tripping.


rolling, and giving the middle finger to my failures when I get back up.⁣

run with me. fall with me. and get back up with me. the top ain’t the top if you’re there alone. the healthier your perception of failure, the faster you’ll succeed. ⚡️⁣

“Easy paths will never lead you to a dream fulfilled life.”

— Todd Duncan


repairing damaged hair


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