it’s nice to meet you!

it’s a new year and there are some new faces around here. so i thought i would reintroduce myself with 10 (or 11) things you may not know about me. thanks for being here, all. ⁣

🐾 I wasn’t a dog person until I was 30. we didn’t grow up with one, and I didn’t understand the obsession. now, I’m ruined. ruined by my love for dogs. ⁣

☀️ “sunset” is my favorite color.⁣

⚒ I’ve never been to an Ikea or Trader Joe’s.⁣

💰 I once over drafted my bank account on a 99 cent box of Rice a Roni.⁣

⛰ a trip to the mountains changed my life when I was 17. I just found out a few weeks ago that one of the same teachers who taught me grit (and put the fear of God in me) on top of one of those mountains is still at the high school, and he has Ethan in class this semester.⁣

🙃 anger isn’t my first emotion, and I’m extremely level headed. but if I’m being misunderstood, it’s my go-to defense mechanism, and I can be really mean if I’m not being heard.

🍷we don’t keep or drink alcohol in our home. the Hill house is a dry house. 😂 but if I’m out and have a cocktail, my favorite drink is Tito’s with ginger ale and a lime. it’s better than any mule I’ve ever had, hands down.⁣

😩⁣I have a long second toe and high cholesterol. ⁣

📖 I once won a contest in Sunday School for who could recite the books of the Old Testament the fastest. ⁣

🚗 I prefer to road trip alone. ⁣

🤦🏼‍♀️ The first time I was ever punched in the face was by a 90 year old Alzheimer’s patient who probably weighed 75 pounds, and most of that was gorgeous, long, white hair. my ears rung, I fell down, and I’ll never be more impressed with another human than I was with her.

For a more formal intro, check out my about page 😂. or, head to my IG and follow along on my day to day ventures.

looking forward to getting to know you more this year. Cheers to 2021.


your perception of failure


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