What’s Your Definition Of Success?

“Success” is such a loaded term, isn’t it? Because we all consider different things when measuring our own.⁣

For me? It means never feeling like I’ve made it.⁣ It also requires taking messy action— usually very messy action. If you follow me on social media, you know most of my videos are total chaos 🤣⁣

But I believe that risk = reward. ⁣
⁣And it means adapting when you need to. ⁣
I live in a constant state of “I’ll figure it out.”⁣

But mostly, to feel successful, I need to be able to check off three very specific things:⁣
✅ Peace. The work brings me peace.⁣
✅ Purpose. The work brings me purpose. ⁣
✅ Profit. The work pays.⁣

Touching more on finding purpose, and the concepts of success and achievement - I believe that when you have more than you need, you build a bigger table. Here’s what I mean by that…

Reflecting back to last fall, my family had the best Thanksgiving that I can remember in a long time, maybe ever. And as funny as it sounds, pulling off a large family dinner at Thanksgiving (or at Christmas time, etc) would *never* have never been possible if it weren’t for our house that shampoo built.⁣ Through my business, we’ve been blessed with more only for the ability to give more. ❤️ ⁣

When you have more than you need, you build a bigger table. You serve more people. You give back more. And if that’s not the defintion of true success, I don’t know what is.

I know a popular stance being shared on social media these days is minimalism. “Less is more.”⁣ But more often than not, I don’t always agree with that. ⁣

  • I truly believe that having more means the ability to serve more. ⁣

  • To ⁣impact more.

  • To spend more time with the ones I love.⁣

  • To have the capacity to share my life with others more. ⁣

  • To welcome more people into my home. ⁣

  • To say “yes” more to the things I used to have to say “no” to.⁣

So I’d love to know, what is your definition of success?


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