thoughts about 2021


I’ve been feeling God shake my shoulder a lot lately, anyone else in the same boat? ⁣

I’ve been thinking about my goals and direction for this year, and I feel Him telling me to stop trying to control everything. ⁣

so. my only resolution? spending more time listening to Him. ⁣

maintain healthy boundaries, but spend more time in prayer about who He wants me to open my ears and arms to, despite my personal hurt and pride. ⁣

work hard and set huge goals, but allow His lead in how that looks for me.⁣

give more and remain lost in the service of others, but allow Him to prioritize what that looks like.

I’m independent to a fault, but I’m going to spend more time letting go. trusting. and taking a step back to see what He’s trying to do through me. ⁣

2021 can’t be about me. or my feelings, my goals, my plans. I’m buckling up and preparing for the ride. ✨⁣

Part 2.

y’all have heard it from me before, I’m an enneagram 7w8. one of the greatest fears of a 7? feeling/being trapped. ⁣

this is 𝘀𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗲 about me. ⁣

this year, I’m sure we’ve all said, more than once, how trapped we feel. things are just—off.⁣

but the reality is, even with so much we can’t do, there’s still 𝘀𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻.

you can launch an entire business from your phone. ⁣

you can start a website or a blog.⁣

you can start monetizing social media. ⁣

you can take a hobby and turn it into a business.⁣

you can be mentored via the internet, at no cost!

it’s a great time to learn a new skill or build something great, and that’s exactly what I’m here to help you do, if you’re ready. ⁣

everything has changed in six months. but six months from now? you could look back and realize that everything has changed again, and in the most exciting way. ⁣

despite the unknown, there are some things I’m certain. and I’m so, so freakin excited for things to come.


a lot has changed in the 20 years since I graduated high school, and today I’m really grateful that I can support my family in an “unconventional” way.

I’m grateful for social media, relationships, the e-commerce space, and especially grateful that Monat chose a business model that can work for everyone. ⁣

I’m grateful for the men and women who build alongside me. ⁣

I’m grateful that because of Monat, I’m in control of my time, and time doesn’t control me. ⁣

I’m grateful to have more experiences and growth while bringing my family along for the ride.⁣

I’m grateful that I said yes and never had to second guess it.

and I’m grateful for this little bottle o’magic helps me feel so good in my skin.


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