when partnering with a brand

I get asked fairly frequently “why monat?” Why did I choose to partner with this particular brand, when there are so many others in the beauty industry. the truth is, it came down to many factors. it wasn’t just one thing that swayed me.

what mattered to me most when partnering with a brand?

📌 company mission⁣

📌 company culture⁣

📌 quality of the products⁣

📌 training available⁣

📌 work required⁣

📌 how I’d be paid ⁣

📌 flexibility⁣

📌 initial investment⁣

📌 monthly overhead⁣

📌 potential for growth⁣

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10 years. ⁣and what I know about building a successful, sustainable brand is this:

  • I don’t want to be “paid” in exposure.⁣

  • I don’t want to be “paid” in free product.⁣

  • I don’t want to be “paid” with a discount code and a reshare of my instagram post. 🙄 I mean, come on.⁣

I needed something good, consumable, sustainable, and that actually paid out for the work put in. ⁣

enter Monat.

If you’re tired of being paid per click or per post at a 1% conversion rate.⁣

if you’re tired of expenses being well over the buy in and income month-to-month.⁣

if you’re tired of building alone.⁣

if you’re tired of saying “yes” to collaborations that don’t feel right because you need that paycheck...⁣

there’s a better way.

I’ll never stop sharing because my business mindset and my passion about helping other women to succeed matter more than anything else. in the world of e-commerce, the limit of brick and mortar options, and monetizing with flexibility from home, the hard truth is this:

your potential for growth is limited when you partner with the wrong brands.

we’re on this train and flying by at a million miles an hour whether you hop on or not. but I promise you— time isn’t waiting for you to catch up. 💪🏼⁣If you have questions on how this business works, why it’s different than so many others, and what exactly it is I do, please reach out. I’d love to chat.

“But here’s the thing: there is never a right time to start a business. There will never be an ideal moment. There will always be reasons to put off your entrepreneurial goals. And so it comes down to this: you have to create the “right time.” Because only you can make this happen – and if you’re waiting for the perfect moment, you just might be waiting forever. ”

— forbes.com


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