the truth about scalp health

“You may have heard of the gut microbiome in relation to digestive health, but did you know that the microorganisms living on your skin can also play an important role in skin health? The scalp in particular is a rich environment for beneficial flora. Areas dense in sebaceous oil have greater diversity of species compared to drier ones, which means that an imbalance in the population can have a greater impact if one species becomes too dominant. ”


there’s no denying the benefit of using hair care that focuses on scalp health. ⁣

here’s the hard truth:⁣so many products are really good at masking deep rooted issues, but they miss the mark on scalp health.⁣

Did you know? Your scalp is the fastest aging skin on your body. you have to take care of it accordingly.

  • want faster growth? scalp heath.⁣

  • want increased density? scalp health.⁣

  • want increase manageability? scalp health.⁣

  • want shine? scalp health.⁣

  • want more defined curls? scalp health.⁣⁣

the reason my hair has made such a 180 improvement is simple: consistent use of quality products that focus on scalp health.⁣

focusing on your scalp health will change your hair game, I promise you.

😱 Click to see my transformation on IG

“Our scalp ages 12 times faster than the skin on our bodies and 6 times faster than facial skin. On average the speed of hair growth on a normal scalp, is roughly 1.25 cm per month. ”

— National Center for Biotechnology Information


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