How Those Big Scary Dreams Work
In my business, this week is impact week. which makes it the perfect time to talk big, scary, amazing dreams. for those of you reading who aren’t in my specific COmpany, impact week is when monat’s annual conference happens. it’s the incredible week where i get to see some of my favorite people, soak in business training from the leaders in the sales and marketing industries, learn more about our new product launches, incentive trips and more. mostly, it’s a means for my teammates and i to connect in a huge way.
due to covid-19, impact week has gone virtual this year. while i’ll certainly miss getting to hug so many people i’ve been looking forward to seeing, i’m still so excited and energized for all the incredible things about to kick off. which brings me to today’s post.
honestly, I didn’t used to understand the “big dream” people.
The closest I came to a big dream was wishing I could one day afford organic groceries at Target, like our neighbors. >> not knocking Aldi, it helped us to get debt free. but I wanted to be able to go anywhere i wanted for groceries without ad stalking, googling coupons, and counting pennies. can anyone else relate?
what I’ve realized, over time, is that big dreams start with a wish and a prayer.
then a goal.
then a plan.
then execution.
then lots of failure.
back to the drawing board.
more failure.
try again.
try again.
lather, rinse, repeat.
the reason I talk about this so often?
It’s because my cup runneth over. my gratitude for what has become is overwhelming. and it’s important for you to hear it because even if you haven’t admitted it just yet, I know you have big dreams too.
And your dream isn’t stupid.
I don’t care what the odds are.
and the people who earn your time and energy will never discourage you from going after it.
Listen, we don’t start out knowing everything about our career, regardless of the schooling we receive.
nursing school? lots of googling and note cards.
nursing? lots of googling. I always said the most dangerous nurse was the one who thought she knew everything.
photography? lots of googling and even more youtube videos.
direct sales? ALL THE GOOGLING 🤣🤣, self-development books and podcasts.
So how do you succeed as those big dreams? and at entrepreneurship in general?
Here are my top tips.
be hungry.
be available.
be adaptable.
be trainable.
be a student.
be patient.
and google that shit.
we all start green and uneducated. it’s on you (and only you) should you decide to stay that way.
Here’s to an amazing impact week 2020, and to chasing big, scary dreams for the rest of this year.