Change Your Mindset, And It Changes The Whole Game
I read a quote today that said: “I can’t afford to be around your mindset.”
and that is straight gold 💯.
for a time, I worked as a nurse at a level one trauma center. I’ve been punched, kicked, butt smacked, titty twisted, propositioned, threatened, hair pulled, called every name you could think name it. but even through all that, and there was only one time I was truly offended. 🤣
but if you want to really get under my skin? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
have a negative mindset.
try to bring the world down with you.
tell everyone else they can’t do it.
laugh when someone speaks their big, scary life goals.
blame the world.
say “I can’t.”
be a victim.
whine and complain until you don’t know how to see the sun shining even when it’s blinding you.
be that person.
y’all, life is short.
there’s no time for that mess, and that mindset invades healthy tissue and infects it.
We can’t afford to.
change your mindset, and it changes the whole game. 👊🏼