15 Fast Facts (Get To Know Me)

I haven’t done an updated “it’s nice to meet you” intro in a little while! since there are some newer followers, i figured it’s the perfect time. ok, here we go.

☀️ I’ve never been to Disney World.⁣

☀️ I’m right handed but growing up I wished so badly I was a leftie like my dad.⁣

☀️ my dad was my 7th grade keyboarding teacher. QERTYUIOP⁣

☀️ I can’t dive or roll my R’s⁣

☀️ I don’t own an Instapot and never plan to. “releasing steam” scares me, and you won’t change my mind.⁣

☀️ I haven’t napped in days (puppy life), and if you know me, you also know how tragic this is. ⁣

☀️ I refuse to buy shoes that aren’t comfortable. I don’t even give them “break in” time. you’re out faster than you came in.⁣

☀️ I’ve fallen for every single “dupe” pair of Align leggings out there, and I’m convinced y’all are liars. ⁣

☀️ Spanx leggings are the worst though.⁣

☀️ A meal I’ll never say no to is hot dogs on the grill, baked beans and cheesy potatoes. ⁣

☀️ But I don’t know how to start the grill.⁣

☀️ My freshman cheerleading coach told me my arms weren’t straight enough (it was a BONE ISSUE, lady) and I was too heavy to “ever be flyer,” so to this day, I still run the other way when I see her out & about town. 🙈⁣

☀️ master avoider of confrontation, but I have a lot of made up conversations in my head that I would crush you with. ⁣

☀️ I say less than you’d think, but I see more than you know.⁣

☀️ I’m older and wiser, baby. gonna be 39 this year, and I love who I am. the 40s ain’t ready!

If you’re on IG, come say hi! Find me at @sarahhill920.


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